Observational Learning Through Play In Children With Autism


It’s one thing to know that children with autism need to be given opportunities to learn, but it’s another thing entirely to actually do it! As parents of children with autism, we often feel like we’ve hit a wall when it comes to teaching our kids. But there are ways in which you can help your child explore and develop new skills through play: you just have to know where to look for them! One such strategy is observational learning, which relies on the fact that many children with autism learn best by observing others and imitating their actions. In this article we’ll talk about how this works so that you can apply these principles at home or in therapy if your child has ASD or other developmental disabilities.


Observational learning is a type of learning that occurs when an individual observes another person or object, and then tries to follow their example. This can be a great way for children with autism to learn how to behave in social situations, because they are able to observe others’ behaviors and then imitate them.

There are many benefits associated with observational learning: it improves self-control, helps children regulate emotions better (especially anger), develops problem-solving skills and teaches patience while waiting for something that may take more than one step forward before making progress toward completion; it also helps them understand cause-and-effect relationships between actions taken by themselves vs those taken by others around them (a key component of social understanding).

What is observational learning?

Observational learning is a type of learning that occurs when we observe the behavior of others and then imitate it. It can be useful in teaching children with autism because it allows them to develop their social skills, which are often lacking in those with ASD.

In order to teach observational learning, you’ll want to start by setting up an environment where your child can safely explore and engage with their environment at their own pace. You should also make sure that there aren’t any hazards around so that he or she doesn’t get hurt by something like electricity outlets or sharp objects lying around (like knives). This will prevent any injuries from happening during playtime!

How does observational learning work?

Observational learning is a process in which children learn through observation and imitation. Children will imitate the actions of others, even if their actions are not helpful or necessary for them to complete a task. For example, if your child sees you taking a drink from water bottle A, then they will take it too because they think that this is what everyone else does when drinking out of that type of bottle.

However, there are also times when children need to be able to understand what they are observing so that they can make an informed decision about whether or not it’s appropriate or safe for them (or anyone else) in the situation at hand; this includes understanding consequences such as dehydration due to overconsumption

What types of things can children learn through observational learning?

Observational learning is a form of play that can be used to help children learn new skills. It’s important to note that the types and amount of observational learning you do will depend on your child, but there are some general guidelines that apply to most kids with autism.

  • Observe your child’s interests. For example: if they love crayons or Legos, let them focus on those things while you observe and ask questions about what they are doing (e.g., what color does one crayon look like? How many pieces does it take for someone else to build something?). If your son loves superheroes and dinosaurs, he may enjoy playing with toys from these categories instead of just making up his own stories about them!
  • Help him recognize similarities between objects/people/animals etc., so he can use this information later as he learns new things (e.g., “this animal looks like an elephant”). This also helps develop motor skills because it requires children not only think logically but also physically manipulate objects through simple actions such as stacking blocks together into towers or creating shapes out of clay using different materials like sticks vs tubes versus small plastic balls

What are some strategies to practice observational learning with your child?

  • Use a mirror.
  • Pretend to play.
  • Role-playing, such as dressing up in costumes and acting out scenarios from books or movies, can be used to practice observation skills.
  • Puppets are also effective for this purpose because they can help children learn about social cues through pretend situations with other puppets or humans that they have never met before.
  • Movies and TV shows have been shown to be useful for teaching kids how certain behaviors are portrayed on screen so that they can better understand them themselves later in life (e.g., whether something is rude or not).

Using observational learning in play time can provide many benefits for young children with autism.

Observational learning is a form of learning that involves the observation of another person’s actions. This type of activity can be used to teach children with autism a variety of skills, including:

  • Social awareness – Children who are observing other people’s behavior will learn how to behave in public settings and make more appropriate choices for themselves. They will also be able to understand what others want from them, which may help them gain confidence in social settings.
  • Communication skills – By watching others communicate effectively with each other, children who have autism can practice their own communication skills and become better at using language when communicating with others (such as teachers).
  • Problem-solving skills – Observing someone else solve problems helps young children develop problem-solving skills by giving them an example of how another person handled situations successfully before they even begin working on their own challenges!

Observational learning has been shown to be effective in children with autism and active play can be used as a teaching medium.

Observational learning is an important part of social development, and play is a good way to practice this. Play can be used as a teaching medium for observational learning because children with autism are more likely to imitate the actions of characters they like rather than those they do not.

Children with autism are more likely to imitate the actions of characters they like rather than those they do not.

Children with autism are more likely to imitate the actions of characters they like rather than those they do not. In contrast, children with autism have less tendency to imitate the actions of characters they do not like.

A child with autism might take longer to imitate an action than a neurotypical child.

In a study of children with autism, researchers found that those with the disorder were less likely to imitate an action if it was too similar to something they already do. The same is not true for neurotypical children—they are more likely to imitate an action if it is performed by someone they like.

Children with autism may also take longer than neurotypicals in learning new tasks or skills because they have difficulty transferring knowledge from one situation (such as watching TV) into another (watching an experiment). This is called “transferability.”

A child will be less likely to imitate an action if it is too similar to something he already does.

A child will be less likely to imitate an action if it is too similar to something he already does.

For example, a child might copy an action from another person in his family or the same age group. If this happens often, this may make it harder for him to learn new things because he will become less motivated by what’s being taught and more focused on copying what other people do instead of trying out new things himself.

If a model is punished for performing an action, the observer will be less inclined to copy it.

This is because a child will be less likely to imitate an action if it is too similar to something he already does. Children with autism are more likely to imitate the actions of characters they like rather than those they do not. For example, if a child sees his best friend hitting a ball and then keeps repeating this action without understanding why it’s happening, he may begin doing it himself without understanding why he should not do so.

Many children with autism learn by observing others and playing with them can help them learn.

Observational learning is a type of learning that involves watching others and imitating their actions. It can be used to teach children with autism because they’re more likely to study something if they see someone else doing it first. Active play can also be a teaching medium for this type of learning, as it requires both attention and careful observation by the child being taught.

Most parents worry about how much time their children spend on screen time but there are plenty of activities that could help them learn at home instead!


Children with autism learn from observation and active play. If you are looking for ways to help your child with autism develop social skills, this might be a great way to do it! The best part about observing other children is that you can model the behavior yourself so that your child will be more likely to imitate it.

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